When you first get contact lenses, you're often swarmed with information, not only from your eye doctor (whom you can assume to be a reputable source), but also from well-meaning family members and friends. While some of the advice offered by family and friends may be accurate, it's important to ensure that you don't fall prey to these common misconceptions about contact lenses. Yes, these misconceptions are sometimes perpetuated even by people who wear lenses themselves!

Misconception #1: The lens can get lost behind your eye.

You'll sometimes hear lens wearers say "I lost the contact behind my eye and had to spend an hour trying to get it out!" This makes you fear having your contact slip out of sight – how much damage could it cause back there? Here's the good news: while it's possible for the contact to slip out of sight, it does not actually go "behind" your eye, and it cannot get lost there.

If your contact disappears out of sight, it is probably folded under your upper or lower eyelid. Moisten your eye with some eye drops, and then close your eyes and gently massage your eyelids. The contact will likely reappear on the surface of your eye, where you can remove it.

Misconception #2: Wearing contacts is bad for your eyes.

This statement might come from a concerned parent or relative who thinks they're saving you from making a big mistake in wearing contact lenses. Yes, wearing contacts can be bad for your eyes – if you don't clean your lenses properly, change them as recommended, and stop wearing them if you show signs of an eye infection. However, as long as you follow your eye doctor's instructions in this regard, contact are a safe and healthy choice. Millions of Americans wear them properly – and they still have eyeballs.

Misconception #3: When you get older, you'll have to switch back to glasses.

If you develop a health condition that causes your eyes to be overly dry or puts you at an increased risk of infection, then yes, you may have to switch back to glasses when you get older. However, for as long as you remain in good health and you don't mind the hassle of putting in and taking out lenses, your eye doctor is likely to recommend you keep wearing them. Some people believe that there is some age limit, perhaps 40 or 50, after which patients can't wear contact lenses. This is not the case. You may see fewer older people wearing contacts, but that's likely because they've simply chosen not to anymore, not because they can't.

Now that you know the truth behind these common misconceptions, you can wear your lenses with confidence.

For professional eye care, contact a company such as Martin Eye Clinic, P.C.
